Volunteer Placement
for Young People
with a Disability or Difficulty
Our Aim
To support young people aged 18 - 25 (Special Educational Needs or Disability - SEND) to develop confidence and awareness of the different roles in community sports clubs, with a particular focus on swimming and developing lifeskills.
It is predominantly aimed at those with a mild to moderate learning difficulty or autism. However, we welcome applications from anyone with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) who would benefit from partaking in this project.
Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group in partnership with Disability Sport Yorkshire and North Yorkshire Sport.
Scarborough Sports Village, Ashburn Road, Off Valley Road, Scarborough YO11 2JW.
Fortnightly, Saturday Evenings, 5:00 – 8:00pm, with ad hoc work to do at home.
Employability Poster

You will work towards completing the STA Aquatic Helper Award. This award involves completing a work booklet, assisting our swim teachers; and learning about the role of an aquatic helper and the wider leisure sector.
Existing skills/ability:
You will have the skills and ability to follow instructions, retain information and work at or just below level 1 NQF.
With support, you will be able to research topics online and use email.
Time Commitment:
Up to 10 fortnightly swim sessions on a Saturday evening 5:00 - 8:00pm (we aim for: 1 hour classroom based, 45 mins in the water and 45 mins poolside)

Come and see us during one of our fortnightly swim sessions. Just pop along.
If you are ready to register your interest, please complete and return the application form below by email to contactus@sdsg.org.uk (completed, signed and photographed).
Please provide as much information as possible on your application, including if you are, or have attended the Personalised Learning College or any such programme. ​
Paper registration forms can be posted to you upon request.
Click the Word or PDF icon below to download an application form:

Our Volunteers & Job Coach

We have a wide range of experience and specialisms including:
Qualified Swim Teachers.
Undertaken Halliwick Water Therapy training.
NASCH Swim Teachers.
Have an Award in Education & Training.
Undertaken training in Information, Advice & Guidance.
Undertaken the CACHE Childcare & Education / Early Years Education & Care Qualification
Basic Makaton.
Experienced Sports Coaches (adults).
Have undertaken training in working with people with special educational needs or disability.
Professional backgrounds in teaching in schools, colleges and community settings; hospitality; catering; retail; specialist autism support; remedial therapy, social care; finance: transformation, project management; administration and IT.
Contact Us

Note: this program and its application criteria may be changed or withdrawn without notice at any time. SDSG also reserves the right to use discretion.