The National Lottery Community Fund
Lottery Funding:
We’ve got some really excited news we’re delighted to share with you all. We have recently been awarded a grant from the National Lottery Community Fund! We want to say a massive thank you to the organization. This money will go a long way in helping support our activity so, from everyone here at Accessible Swimming and all our wonderful supporters we want to say thank you.
What is the National Lottery Community Fund?
Every time someone buys a National Lottery ticket, they help to raise money for the fund. This money is set aside to help charities, not for profits and community projects. Grants are then distributed to worthy causes across the UK through the funding scheme, to help support organizations making a difference in the community. We’re so incredibly proud and grateful to have been awarded one of the National Lottery grants, it shows the value and importance of what we do.

What need is there?
Disability is most prevalent in the North of England. 31 per cent of people in the North East, and 24 per cent of people in the North West, and Yorkshire and the Humber are disabled. London has a lower prevalence at 15 per cent.*
Three in five (61 per cent) disabled people in the UK are aged over 50.*
Four in five (77 per cent) disabled people would like to be more active.*
Only 4 in 10 (42%) disabled people feel they have the opportunity to be as active as they want to be, compared to 69% of non-disabled people.*
Almost three quarters (74 per cent) of disabled people have more than one impairment.*
Inactivity increases with the number of impairments an individual has. 50 per cent of people with three or more impairments are physically inactive compared to 33 per cent of people with one impairment.*
Only 28% of disabled people were feeling encouraged to return to activity after the pandemic, compared to 50% of non-disabled people. For those who return, only half (53%) said it was a positive experience.*
*Taken from:
What are we aiming to do:​
We are going to deliver a range of aquatic activities over four years, under three core aims: Swimming for: Leisure, Rehabilitation and Sport. Alongside, a range of non-aquatic extension activities to enrich the programme and to help build confidence, engagement and fitness levels.
The activities will be user led, linking in with the wider community and mainstream activities, with key opportunities for volunteer development.
The rolling programme of activities will be accessible for a wide range of children, young people and adults with SEND and also adults aged 50+.
We’re so grateful for the funding from the National Lottery Community Fund, another organisation working with us to increase swimming opportunities for those with SEND or aged 50+ in the Borough of Scarborough.