May you be a member, carer, family, friend or a member of the local community, you can support us

Did you know 1 in 5 people in England and Wales have a disability? The Borough of Scarborough has one of the highest concentration of people with a disability in England and it is the most deprived area in North Yorkshire*.
We believe everyone should be able to learn to swim and enjoy the life long benefits of swimming.
We rely on voluntary donations to support the services we offer and the improvements made at Scarborough Sports Village.
Regular giving provides us with a reliable source of income that we can direct to where it is most needed.
Your monthly donations allow us to plan ahead more effectively, ensuring that we can continue to offer the best care and support for our members.

To become a "Friend of SDSG" please complete and return a Donor Form and set up your Standing Order with your bank, may that be by phoning them, setting it up via online banking/mobile banking app or by completing and sending them a standing order form.
Remember to quote "FD" (friend donation) followed by your name, so we can identfy your donation.
Alternatively, a one-off or regular donation can be set up quickly and easily online with your debit card with Just Giving.
Please click here:

Gift Aid
Please remember to confirm whether you would like Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group to claim Gift Aid on your donation and any past or future donations you make.
This could enable us to claim an additional 25p for every £1 you donate with no extra cost to you.
We can also claim Gift Aid on your Annual Membership Fees.
Please complete a Gift Aid Declaration or during a swim session complete a Gift Aid Envelope.
Donor Form
(to be returned to SDSG)
Standing Order Form
(to be sent to your bank)
Gift Aid Form
(to be returned to SDSG)
Alternatively, forms can be posted to us.
Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
* Data taken from 12/12/2020.