As a user led membership charity you will need to join before attending one of our swim sessions or activities.

(child, young person or adult) with a special educational
need or disability (SEND)

with a short or long term health/medical condition
(examples including: recovering after a hip replacement, muscle/ligament injury or more long term with diabetes or a hearing impairment)

Adults aged 50+

To join us, you do not need an official diagnoses but you may need to provide some additional information to confirm eligibility.
SDSG believes in the holistic approach to support, therefore, each paid up member can bring their family, carer(s) or a friend swimming with them (subject to entry fees), as long as they complete a membership form.
To join us in two easy steps:
- Complete your Membership Form and Pay your Annual Membership online
- Pay your entry fee / book online*
The above stages can be completed online in advance of your first swim session, or if required, completed at the start of your first swim session.
Should you require them, incontinence swimwear** can be purchased from a range of online suppliers, a good place to start may be Fledglings, ran by a charity called Connect.
*Please be aware, some of our activities book up very fast and online booking normally closes at least six hours before each swim session.
** SDSG has a small hardship fund to help members with the cost of swimwear and individual buoyancy aids. Please contact us for more information.
​Note: Membership is not confirmed until your first swim session, subject to any additional questions.

Each household (or individually if in supported living/care home) pays an annual membership fee, which is due upon joining and in January each year. See downloads for example costs depending on your situation. See the documents section for membership examples.
First Year Signup Membership: £8.00*
Annual Membership: £8.00* (subsidised)
There are also session/activity entry fees to help pay costs such as: pool hire, lifeguards, volunteer training and equipment costs. Please check the individual activity fee when booking.
Fortnightly swim session:
Swim Entry Adult: from £4.50
Swim Entry Child: £2.00 (external funding)
Children under five enter free of charge.
If you are in financial hardship, you may wish to contact your Social Worker. Subject to eligibility, it is possible to include the cost of attending SDSG swim sessions in your care plan / Direct Payments / Personnel Health Budget, including the cost of any carer(s) and travel required. Depending on your disability, some charities also provide grants for health and fitness activities.
SDSG also holds a small discretionary hardship fund, please contact us for more information.
*If you are a tax payer we can claim back the tax paid on your membership fee, an additional 25% through Gift Aid. Please complete a declaration or a Gift Aid Envelop during one of our sessions.
Annual membership is due on 1st January each year.
Sign up and pay your signup fee quickly and easily online via Member Mo Jo.
To help keep you safe, every person in the pool must have completed and returned a membership form.
This is an insurance requirement and they must be reviewed regularly to ensure they remain up to date.
Once signed up, you can review and update your membership details at any time and you will be sent a booking password to enable you to book your first swim session with us.
If you are a carer/parent, please complete your membership form first, as the lead member and logout. Then, login and click "Your Membership", scroll down to "Additional Members" and select "New Membership" to complete another linked membership form.
If the lead carer changes at a later date, please contact us to change the lead person.

What payment options do I have?Members (via their membership account) can make secure payments with their PayPal account, credit and debit cards, or Apple Pay and Google Pay from a phone.
Do you provide personal care?No, we do not provide any personal care. If you require this level of support, please ensure you arrange adequate support before, during and after SDSG swim sessions.
Why does it say booking is closed online?To enable the volunteers to print out the record sheets before a swim session, online booking usually closes at 11am on the day of the swim session. Please book in advance where possible.
I have paid my membership online, how do I book a swim session?Upon paying your annual membership online and completing your membership form, you are sent a welcome email confirming your online booking password. If you have not received it within 30mins, please check your "Junk" folder. Please click "book now" (top right of this webpage), select the activity/session you wish to book, enter the password and follow the instructions to book online.
Are there any Terms & Conditions?Yes, full terms & conditions can be seen on our website, including: Swim Wear Policy Health committment statement Safeguarding statement General Terms & Conditions Cancelations & Refund Policy Online Terms & Conditions
When are the changing rooms available from / to?The changing rooms are normally available 15 mins before and after our swim sessions. The changing rooms may be open to the public.
How do I login to my Member Account?Via your online membership account you can: ​ - update your contact details - update your health and medical information -update your preferences - renew your membership To login, please visit: www.membermojo.co.uk/sdsg and select sign in by email. As a security measure you will not automatically be signed in, but will receive another email with a further link. This link is only valid for 2 hours (If the link expires, you can generate another one by going back to the previous email and click the ‘Click to complete your application’ link again). This will generate another sign in email.
I am a carer, how do I set up a membership on behalf of my service user(s)?New Account Please visit: www.membermojo.co.uk/sdsg, complete your membership form (as the lead person), then log out and back in again. Click "Your Membership" tab and scroll down to "Additional Membership", click "New Member" and complete a membership form in the name of your service user. You will then be able to update and switch between the membership form for your service user(s) and your own, via the "Your Membership" tab. Existing Member Should you already have a Membership Account with SDSG, login, click "Your Membership" tab, then "Additional Membership".
How do I renew my membership?Renewal reminders are sent automatically as the membership expiry date approaches. You then login to your online membership account and click renew. If another member shares your email address, you will need to "switch user" and renew their membership.
How do I renew the membership of a service user or family member who shares my email address?If your child or service user shares your email address, login to Member Mo Jo and scrolls down to "Switch Member". 1 - Select the member you wish to renew. 2- Scroll back up to the top 3 - You should then have a message inviting you to renew that membership. 4 - Follow the options. 3 - You then need to repeat this process for any other members who share your email address.
I have a new carer, what do I do?Should you have a new or additional carer, they are required to complete a new membership form before getting in the water. Please login to your Membership Account, click the "Your Membership" tab, then "Additional Membership". You will then be invited to complete a new membership form.
My child is disabled, how do I register them?1 - Please create yourself a Membership Account and complete your membership form, then logout. 2 - Log in to your Membership Account and click "My Membership". 3 - Scroll down to "Additional Membership" 4 - Select "add member", to add a child with a disability . Please repeat the above steps to add another linked membership, eg any other family members.
How do I update my Childs or service users details?If your child or service user shares your email address, login to Member Mo Jo and scrolls down to "Switch Member". 1 - Select the member you wish to edit. 2- Scroll back up to "My Details" and click "View or Edit". 3 - It will then load the member profile that you selected. 4 - Scroll down to the bottom and select "Edit"
My lead carer has changed, what do I do?If your lead carer has changed (the person who managed your online membership account), once your new lead carer has created an online membership account, please inform the front desk during a SDSG swim session and confirm their email address. Your membership account (plus any other members) will then be linked to the new lead carer's account and your previous lead carer's account will be deactivated.
I want to bring a family member/friend, what do I do?1 - Once you have set up your own membership, please logout and back in. 2 - Go to your Membership Account, click the "Your Membership" tab. 3 - Select "Additional Membership" 4 - Select "New Membership"
I have broken my leg, can I join?Yes, our swim sessions are open to anyone with a short or long term health conditions where our specialist sessions would be beneficial.
I am part of a self-help group, can we bring a mini bus?Yes, by all means. All swimmers need to have completed their membership forms online and be paid up.
Teaching & Learning @ SDSGAs SDSG we aim to tailor the activities we offer to the children, young people and adults we work with. To faciliate this, we group people based on one of three pathways: informal, semi-formal and adaptive. Where appropriate, we may also group by age, stage and physical ability. When deciding which activities to join in with or to book, please consider the pathway it is aimed at and ensure it meets your needs and ambitions. The pathways are flexible, so if you are not sure, please speak with the teacher/instructor for more information.
What is a specialist or fitness activity?This is a physical activity which is requires intense exercise, such as, aquacise, circuit class or pool snorkelling. Therefore we are required to ask you a few extra questions as part of a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q). Please ensure your membership record is upto date (Member Mo Jo). Ensure you select: Plus check the PAR-Q: You must not participate in a specialist or fitness activity without completing this questionnaire via Member Mo Jo.