Why leave a gift to Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group (SDSG)?
We are lucky enough to receive the continued custom of our many loyal Members also parents and grandparents who wish children to learn to swim.
Your gift to SDSG, however small, can make a real difference. Our efficient operation, with volunteer help, helps us covers our costs, but we rely on donations to develop and grow the charity, as well as, enhance and improve our pool facilities for future generations.
Accessible provision is improving and developing all the time.
There are also benefits to your family directly as giving a legacy gift in your will also help to reduce inheritance tax.

There are several ways in which you can leave a legacy gift to SDSG:
Leave a Residuary Gift | A residuary gift (i.e. a percentage of your estate) will help make the biggest difference to our Charity, as it will keep up with inflation and retain its value better than a fixed sum of money.
Leave a Codicil | If you would like to add a gift to Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group to an existing will, you can do so easily by using a codicil. A codicil is a document which amends (eg alters or adds to) a will. If you have made more than one will, it is important that your codicil relates to your most recent will.
We completely understand that leaving any gift in your will is a very important decision
Your Solicitor will be able to guide you.
Gifts such as these make a lasting impact on Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group. We are a small charity with a big presence in the Borough of Scarborough among the disabled community. By remembering us in your will, we can guarantee it will make the ultimate difference keeping those with a disability (and those 50+) active, teaching future generations to swim and inspiring everyone no matter their age or infirmity to get stay active.
Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group is Registered Charity 1125170.
If you have any questions or would like to set a legacy gift in your will, please contact contactus@sdsg.org.uk.