Social prescribing enables GPs, nurses and other primary care professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services to support their health and wellbeing.
What is Social Prescribing?
Social prescribing is a key component of Universal Personalised Care. It is an approach that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing.
In social prescribing, local agencies such as local charities, social care and health services refer people to a social prescribing link worker. Social prescribing link workers give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me?’ to coproduce a simple personalised care and support plan, and support people to take control of their health and wellbeing.
Social prescribing is an all-age, whole population approach that works particularly well for people who:
have one or more long term conditions
who need support with low level mental health issues
who are lonely or isolated
who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.
The Well-being Partnership
Age Uk Scarborough & District is working with Advocacy Alliance and Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale Mind to provide the Social Prescribing contract across the Scarborough, Filey and Ryedale South areas.
Following a referral from your GP or health professional, a link worker from The Well-being Partnership is assigned to help people access local sources of support.
Link workers are funded through the local Primary Care Networks (PCNs) to provide this service.
How does SDSG fit in?
A GP can refer their patient to a link worker (The Well-being Partnership) who then works with the patient to find suitable activities and prescribes them.
A social prescription is granted in the form of a referral to a local service provider or community group. They will also help you register with SDSG.
Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group is an approved service provider for social prescriptions.
Membership and entry fees apply.
Link Worker Referals
Your Link Worker* can support you to arrange transport, complete your online membership form and help you to find out further information.
Link workers can reach out to us by contacting Alex on:
T: 01723 565669 (voicemail)
*This could also include a Social Worker / Specialist Nurse / Teacher, to name a few.
More information
Or speak to your GP.