We have a dedicated team of over 25 volunteers who deliver our specialist swim sessions, activities and events.
There is always more to be done!
In recognition of the valuable work of volunteers here at SDSG, we have signed up to the Coast and Vale Community Action (CaVCA) Volunteer Charter for best practice in volunteer management.
Safer recruitment conditions apply.
Our Safeguarding Statement can be viewed online, along with our recruitment privacy notice.
SDSG also works in partnership with Coventry University Scarborough Campus, Scarborough College and with various voluntary groups to offer volunteer placements, including those that offer The Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Just ask your leader to volunteer for SDSG and return a placement volunteer application.

Jackie Ndiaye
Volunteer Engagement Officer
Email: Volunteering@sdsg.org.uk
Voicemail: 01723 565671

Join Us:
As a volunteer led charity, SDSG is always on the lookout for new volunteers: may this be to support our Special Olympic Athletes to attend local competitions and events at weekends; assist during our fortnightly swim sessions (in water, poolside or on reception) or to simply carry out administrative tasks between sessions.
If you have a few hours to spare and are up for a new challenge, please get in touch!
At SDSG volunteers:
Have access to a Volunteer Assistance Programme (inc a medical advice line & confidential counselling) through our insurance;
Are supplied with a SDSG T-shirt;
Benefit from ongoing support from their line manager;
Do not pay for DBS checks, this is covered by the charity;
Are recognised through volunteer awards;
Are eligible for Charity Worker Discounts;
Are supported with opportunities for training and mentoring; and
Benefit from industry leading insurance, including personal accident cover.

Volunteer Application or
Volunteer Placement Form
Criminal Records Declaration
Registration of Interest
*** If you are in full time education and are looking to gain experience and learn some new skills, or looking to join us as apart of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award or another youth organisation, please complete and return a placement application ***
DBS Consent
Benefits for Volunteers
Make friends and meet new people.
Opportunity to be involved in exciting events and competitions.
Chance to gain qualifications, new skills, knowledge and experiences.
Enhance your CV and make yourself more employable.
A fun way to give back to the sport and bea part of your local community.
Be part of one of the largest disabled swimming groups in the UK.
Improved health and well-being.
Increased confidence and self-esteem.